Sealer Sales referenced in ThomasNet Buying Guide

We are experts in heat sealers - no other company comes close to our depth of knowledge and ThomasNet agrees with us.  We've been in the sealer industry for over thirty years so we know a thing or two. ThomasNet - the leading B2B database for sourcing suppliers publishes buying guides in many different industries including one on sealing equipment.  [Visit to download the free white paper.]

Thomas.Net Sealer Buying Guide

Sealer Sales on ThomasNet

Sealer Sales is listed as a resource in the ThomasNet Sealing Equipment Buying Guide and we couldn't agree more.  Our Resources page is full of relevant information on what type of heat sealer works best for your application.

If you can't find what you are looking for, one of our knowledgeable customer service reps is available to help answer your questions.  Send us a quick e-mail at

Sealer Sales Resources