Best Practice: What the Heck Does Congeal Mean?
Hand / Foot Impulse Sealers The hand or foot sealer is a manual sealer. What this means is that the congeal step or dwell step needs to be added into your sealing process to make a proper seal. Hold the jaw down for a couple of seconds after the timer light has gone off to set the seal. This will ensure a proper seal and will also allow the sealer to cool down before the next seal. This will ensure longevity of the heating elements.
Auto Impulse Sealers We recommend the congeal (cooling) setting to be at least 2x greater than the heat setting. This will ensure that the seal has ample opportunity to set and cool under pressure. This will also allow the heating element to cool as well. The most important step for the longevity of auto sealers is having the appropriate congealing time. Most customers skip the congeal setting in order to get a higher ppm (packages per minute) but this will only lead to problems - broken element and PC Board.