Sealer Sales Featured in PRISM Summer 2019 Issue


Over the past couple of years, Sealer Sales has donated packaging equipment and supplies to San Jose State University to help combat food insecurity on the campus.

Sealer Sales and San Jose State University assistant professor Dan Nathan-Roberts were featured in the Summer 2019 cover story by the American Society of Engineering Education's flagship magazine, PRISM about food insecurity on college campuses. Hunger has become a campus wide problem and many students are unable to afford dining halls. The U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that some 3.3 million college students potentially eligible for aid, more than half—some 1.8 million individuals—didn’t apply for the benefit in 2016. 

Students in the Dan Nathan-Robert's Work Measurement and Work Design class at San Jose State University learn how to design, produce, test and improve assembly methods for trail mix.  Packaging equipment and supplies for the class were donated by Sealer Sales. In addition to manufacturing a real product, more than 1,000 pounds and 3,000 bags have been donated by the class to the campus food banks over the past four years.   In addition to combating food insecurity on campus, "students in the class see the positive impact that engineering can have, and our trail mix has become one of the most requested items in the pantries" stated Nathan-Roberts.

Sealer Sales is committed to serving educational and charitable organizations and we are very excited to be able to assist with this project. If you would like to help with this project, please reach out to Sealer Sales at or Dan Nathan-Roberts at
