Seal and Code in One Step!

All of our stainless steel band sealers provide you with the option to code your bag whether through embossing or dry ink coding or hot stamp printing. Embossing leaves an imprint on your material w/o using any type of ink.  Our band sealers will continually emboss characters at the seal line and show up best on darker or foil type of bags!

Band Sealer Embossing Example

Dry ink coding prints ink on the bag using an ink roller that is heat activated.  The standard font size is 18PT but we also offer an option of 10.5PT for those seeking smaller print sizes.  Dry ink coding prints a very clear and solid message at the seal line.

Dry Ink coding Example - 18PT Font

Dry Ink Coding Example - 10.5PT


  Take a look at a video to get a better idea of how our dry ink coding works!


Take  a look at our video demonstration to get a better idea of how dry ink coding works on our band sealers!